Monday 17 September 2012

De ringer jo nok ikke fra Vild med Dans lige foreløbig...

Nåmn så er det jo altså nu, jeg bryder sammen og indrømmer, jeg har meldt mig til zumba.

Den lader vi lige stå et øjeblik.

Ja, damen som generelt plejer at sige "I preefer entellectual tschallenges" i hvad hun selv synes er en fascinerende russisk-lydende accent, når som helst der måtte være fysiske udfordringer i horisonten, har betalt penge for at komme til at svede.  Jeg kan ikke helt redegøre for motivationen; det er en blanding af alderspanik og en fornemmelse af, at den dag jeg skal flygte fra rumvæsner og/eller gangstere (det kommer almindelige mennesker jævnligt ud for; som dokumenteret i adskillige actionfilm) vil det nok ikke skade at være i marginalt bedre form.

Jeg har foreløbig været der 2 gange. I dag var 3. gang, men i sidste uge kom jeg rent faktisk til at glemme, at jeg nu Går Til Noget. (Til gengæld huskede jeg at sætte skraldespanden ud). 

Zumba er noget, jeg kun har prøvet 1 gang før. Det var i Århus, og instruktøren var af den der irriterende type, som råber "og nu finder DU på noget" mens hun peger på en sagesløs deltager, der så lige panik-opfinder et eller andet hoftevridende move.  Absolut ikke min stil; det er så afsindig svært at koncentrere sig om noget som helst andet end at blive usynlig så man ikke kommer til at afsløre, at det eneste man selv ville kunne diske op med, er sprællemand.

Her kan jeg nøjes med at følge instruktøren og ryste røven, mens jeg skæver til den åbne dør for at se, om en ældre herre fra Lokalhistorisk Forening mon står paralyseret derude. Jeg kan ikke helt bestemme mig for om han ville få et chok, eller alternativt ihærdigt dokumentere hvad der må se ud som et indtog af Shaker-bevægelsen, som har erobret gymnastiksalen. 

@N  ~ how goes it? Autumn's on the way.  I'm wearing two layers in the morning when I'm waiting for the train, and when I go home in the afternoon, it's much too hot. But the weather is turning colder (and wetter) now.

We've sown grass in the garden. Every day I go out and stare at it, willing it to sprout and grow. It hasn't helped so far, but I do think germination takes more than a week, so I'm trying to be patient.

Last week I went to visit a friend of mine, an English girl who lives here in Denmark. She cooked roast chicken with roasted veggies and Yorkshire Pudding for me. OMG, Yorkshire Pudding. How do I love thee. Let me count the ways. Or let me count how many I ate. I think it was 7.....  I brought the dessert, rodgrod med flode, actually it's  spelled with an Ø (the O with the diagonal line through it) but I'm not sure how it shows up on your computer.  Did any of your Danish Best Friends ask you to say it? It's our favourite tongue twister, but I've stopped using it, because other languages (esp. English) have much worse ones (the sixth sheikh's sixth sheep's sick or fifty frantic frogs fled from fifty fierce fishes, etc. etc. etc.) Anyways, the rodgrod tastes good, especially when you drown it in cream, and it sat nicely on top of the chicken and all the Yorkshire Puddings in my tummy.

This weekend was a lovely one. On Saturday, I looked after a friend's kid while she worked and afterwards we went back to my place for brunch, and in the evening I went to another friend to watch a Danish TV series called Matador   which tells the story of small-town Denmark before/during/just after World War II. I absolutely love it.

On Sunday, we (my family and I) went to church because we've got a new priest in our parish and this was her "initiation ceremony". The church was absolutely packed, which was nice, but I hope it won't be completely empty next Sunday when it's back to normal (albeit with the new priest, of course, so the novelty factor may draw a small crowd).

In the afternoon I painted a fence (well, part of it. It's going to take ages) and picked elderberries which I've frozen so I can make elderberry soup once it gets really cold. Yum!

Today I went to a zumba class. Yikes.  My ass is used to sitting, not shaking. I have a feeling that "Dancing with the stars" won't be pestering me with requests to join the show next season...

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