Wednesday 9 April 2014

Humans of Iran

Hold da op. Det er næsten 2 uger siden jeg kom hjem fra ferie - hvor blev tiden lige af? Hvad har jeg lavet?  (Den sidste er nem. Jeg har arbejdet. Og hygget mig)   Har I det godt?

Jeg har også siddet og kigget billeder. Pyh, der er mange - kan I huske dengang man havde filmruller og virkelig var nøjeregnende med de billeder man tog?  Efter digitalkameraets indtog er det ligesom sket lidt med det...  Men deles skal de, i hvert fald nogle stykker.

@ N ~ I can't believe it's been two weeks since I came home.  I very much have an I-hit-the-ground-running feeling - it's all good but a bit non-stop.  How are you??

I've been going through all the pics I took. Gosh - there are many. Remember when we had cameras that used film rolls, and how we (or I, at least) were really careful with how many pictures we took? That sort of went out the window for me when I got my first digital camera ...

One of the very best things about Iran is actually not all the popular tourist sights (of which I didn't see that many on this trip - that is for next time). It's not even the food. It's the people.  I've been to a few different countries around the globe and Iranians are hands down some of the most welcoming people I've ever come across. I swear, if hospitality was a competition in the Olympics they would win gold every time.

I'll try and get a few more blog posts with pictures up over the next few days. Enjoy the faces :-)

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