Wednesday 2 July 2014

Philosophy #fail

Vi har alle filosofiske facebook-venner, ikke?

Lige pt er der en del af mine, som lommefilosofisk skriver updates à la The secret to life/success/whatever: "fall seven times, stand up eight".

Det er lidt tabt på mig. Altså, jeg forstår godt essensen i det, men det eneste jeg tænker er, at det er ikke fysisk muligt at rejse sig flere gange end man er væltet. Med mindre man tæller den gang med, hvor man var kommet op at stå, før man tiltede 7 gange...

@ N ~ I have couple of semi-philosophical facebook friends (don't we all?) who at the moment seem to have a fondness for a Japanese (?) proverb that goes a little something like the key to life/success/[insert appropriate term here] is "fall seven times, stand up eight".

While I do get the deeper meaning of it ("never evah give up", unless I'm very much mistaken), the only thing I can think of is that it isn't physically possible. Unless of course you count that very first time you stood up, before you toppled over seven times ...

Surely, the secret must be more along the lines of "fall seven times. Stand up seven times. Don't kick yourself too much in the process. We all falter."



Ibs said...

Oh snap, I never even realized! Nu kan jeg aldrig holde op med at tænke på det. Og givetvis irettesætte enhver, der filosoferer det på mig!

N said...

Hmmm, how about "stop falling"? ;D I'm afraid I far toouch of a cretin...sorry...

The Blogless Sister said...

Velbekomme, Ibs