Sunday 20 January 2013

En let hovedpine

- som naturligvis kom af at have ligget lidt forkert med nakken i nat.

Ømme dansefødder.

En 2 timers middagslur.

Og nu: tidligt i seng med et lille blog-indlæg og White Collar på DVD.

(Aldrig hørt om White Collar? Google. Youtube. Nyd synet af ham her:)

Jeg har været til firmafest i København. Sovet på Hilton (hoteller klæder mig helt utrolig godt).  Danset og danset. Drukket skamløse mængder vin. Grinet. Været faglig. Og i absolut ædru tilstand fortalt en mand, der var nærmest lige så pæn som ham på billedet, at han, well, var helt fantastisk pæn at se på.  (Fordi jeg jo er stor tilhænger af at man, hvis man har noget pænt at sige om nogen, får det sagt).  Han blev glad!   (og nej, jeg tog ham ikke med hjem. Han har en kæreste. Som også er en virkelig pæn mand :-)

Det var en god weekend!

@ N ~ so, how did this company thing go, you're asking? 

Well, I managed not to forget about it again, which helped a lot, obviously.

And it went great. It was a long day, started at 6AM when I got up to catch the train to Copenhagen, and ended at 2AM when I crawled into bed at the Hilton (I was born to stay in posh hotels, I tell ya)

Around halfway through the day, there was a team-spirit-building-enhancing event.  At my table there was a man who was traffic-stopping handsome. Holy moly.  Almost as good looking as Matt Bomer from White Collar. So I told him that (safe to do. He has a boyfriend who is probably also quite handsome). Because if you have nice things to say about someone, you should always go ahead and say it. Even if it means going up to a total stranger and say, "hello, I think you're the best looking man in the room and I just wanted you to know that" while everyone thinks you're either crazy and/or hitting on him.

I was totally sober when I did that, by the way.

I may not have been entirely sober when, 9 hours later, I told an SVP that this was perhaps the highlight of his career. "This" being having his picture taken with me. Because I am just that modest.

Stay tuned and watch me climb that ladder...  :-)

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