Jeg er en lad blogger for tiden. Det er primært fordi jeg ikke laver noget blogværdigt; fx kom jeg i weekenden til at falde i vinflasken både fredag og lørdag, og det var mægtigt, men generelt ikke blog-egnet :-)
Men det går godt. Med mig, altså. Mit hus roder, og jeg var vist lidt sent på den med at sætte kartofler, og en af de nyindkøbte jordbærplanter er vist død, men det går godt. Jeg genså en gammel bekendt her i weekenden og da vi var igennem den rituelle "hvor er vi så henne i livet nu"-snak, var det jænne gu'e ting der faldt mig ind. Jeg er glad om morgenen, når jeg altså sådan er ved at være vågen, og glæder mig til at tage på arbejde. Jeg er lykkelig (naturligvis) når jeg kører til og fra stationen i Lille Blå. Og jeg glæder mig til at komme hjem til mit lille hus igen om eftermiddagen. Det er næsten uhyggeligt, og jeg er egentlig lidt ræd for at jinx'e det, når jeg sådan siger højt, at jeg har det Godt. Nemesis, Hybris, og alt det der I ved nok.
I får lige endnu en mini-serie fra Iran. Denne gang af en lille pige jeg mødte uden for en grønthandler. Hun ville gerne på facebook :-)
@ N ~ I have been remiss. Again. Sorry for the radio silence (not the first time, certainly not the last).
As usual, half of the excuse is the usual. Sleep, eat, commute, work, lather-rinse-repeat. Also, at the weekend, when I was supposed to be doing something bloggable, I fell into a bottle of wine (along with some great company), and whilst it was thoroughly enjoyable it wasn't really suitable for the blog. What happens around the fire pit stays around the fire pit.
I saw an old acquaintance and when we had the whole catching-up-on-the-last-15-years talk, I was really pleased to find that everything I had to say about my life (as per 30 April 2014) was positive. I'm happy when I wake up (once I'm actually awake, that is); I actually look forward to my working day; I am still truly, madly, deeply in love with my Little Blue Car; and I really look forward to returning to my little old house at the end of the day. So now, having said all those things, I am of course terrified of jinxing it :-)
Instead, you get to meet this little person. She was standing on a stool outside a small green grocer's while her parents were shopping. I thought she looked so cute and I had just learned the Farsi word for photos (mainly because I had heard it in so many sentences related to me, as in "yes, she takes many photos", hee hee), so I was kind of-sort of able to ask her mum if I could take her picture.
Oh yes! Both mummy and daddy got to work immediately, making sure she looked picture perfect:
Men det går godt. Med mig, altså. Mit hus roder, og jeg var vist lidt sent på den med at sætte kartofler, og en af de nyindkøbte jordbærplanter er vist død, men det går godt. Jeg genså en gammel bekendt her i weekenden og da vi var igennem den rituelle "hvor er vi så henne i livet nu"-snak, var det jænne gu'e ting der faldt mig ind. Jeg er glad om morgenen, når jeg altså sådan er ved at være vågen, og glæder mig til at tage på arbejde. Jeg er lykkelig (naturligvis) når jeg kører til og fra stationen i Lille Blå. Og jeg glæder mig til at komme hjem til mit lille hus igen om eftermiddagen. Det er næsten uhyggeligt, og jeg er egentlig lidt ræd for at jinx'e det, når jeg sådan siger højt, at jeg har det Godt. Nemesis, Hybris, og alt det der I ved nok.
I får lige endnu en mini-serie fra Iran. Denne gang af en lille pige jeg mødte uden for en grønthandler. Hun ville gerne på facebook :-)
@ N ~ I have been remiss. Again. Sorry for the radio silence (not the first time, certainly not the last).
As usual, half of the excuse is the usual. Sleep, eat, commute, work, lather-rinse-repeat. Also, at the weekend, when I was supposed to be doing something bloggable, I fell into a bottle of wine (along with some great company), and whilst it was thoroughly enjoyable it wasn't really suitable for the blog. What happens around the fire pit stays around the fire pit.
I saw an old acquaintance and when we had the whole catching-up-on-the-last-15-years talk, I was really pleased to find that everything I had to say about my life (as per 30 April 2014) was positive. I'm happy when I wake up (once I'm actually awake, that is); I actually look forward to my working day; I am still truly, madly, deeply in love with my Little Blue Car; and I really look forward to returning to my little old house at the end of the day. So now, having said all those things, I am of course terrified of jinxing it :-)
Instead, you get to meet this little person. She was standing on a stool outside a small green grocer's while her parents were shopping. I thought she looked so cute and I had just learned the Farsi word for photos (mainly because I had heard it in so many sentences related to me, as in "yes, she takes many photos", hee hee), so I was kind of-sort of able to ask her mum if I could take her picture.
Oh yes! Both mummy and daddy got to work immediately, making sure she looked picture perfect: