Monday, 14 October 2013

Jeg kan konstatere ....

... at jeg nok ikke får lavet en kunstfærdigt udskåret Jack o'lantern i år.

... men at jeg fortsat satser på at lære at bage pumpkin pie!

... at weekendens hyggelige tema fortsætter helt ind i hverdagene, hvor jeg har rare aftaler med både den ene og den anden.

... at jeg på mystisk vis har tabt måske 2 kilo (jeg har ingen badevægt). Jeg kan ikke rigtig se det selv; min mave folder stadig underligt, men pt er der lige præcis 1 par bukser, jeg kan passe. Resten er enten utrolig omfangsrige eller - desværre for flertallets vedkommende - passende i benvidden men stadigvæk umulige at lukke. HvorFOR kan det ikke være mavedellen der skrumper, hvis det absolut skal være?

... at jeg må have brugt for meget anti-aging creme på halsen. I hvert fald er netop dét areal pt temmelig teenage-agtigt at se på, med bumser hist og pist. Sehr, sehr sexy. Not.

... at min modstandskraft overfor Captain Morgan's eftervirkninger er øget betragteligt siden sidste efterår. Det kan altså godt svare sig med de rom-toddies; også selv om de svigter hvad forkølelses-bekæmpelsen angår.

... at facebooks såkaldt målrettede reklamer stadig er lidt hit-and-miss.  Pt bombarderes jeg således med tilbud om fastrente-lån (hvem behøver det, når man bor til leje hos Far :-), lejlighed i Hillerød (a we' sørme snår æ' om a ku' fall' te derower), hårfjerningsmidler til ansigtet (meget fornærmende), og ÆLDRE SINGLEMÆND (se, det kunne faktisk være noget. Tiltrækker alligevel kun dem der er minimum 5-7 år ældre end mig; desværre er de meget ofte gift eller skilt eller har børn eller en kombination af alle tre ting - jeg magter det ikke, mand)

@ N ~ unscientific list of thoughts-that-popped-into-my-head. 

1. I must face the fact that I probably won't get round to carving any pumpkins this year.

2. But I have not yet given up hope of baking a succesful pumpkin pie.

3. Am continuing social success from this weekend, and seeing several friends this week. Patting myself on the back for not just spending every evening on the couch - tempting as it is...

4. Yay news: I seem to have lost maybe 3-4 pounds.  Downside: my wardrobe currently holds 1 pair of jeans that actually fit me, and about 10 pairs that are either too big or (the majority) still impossible to zip up. Whatever weight has melted off my body did not come from the waist section, that's for sure.

5. I may have overdone it on the anti-ageing creams on my neck. It has gone into full teenage mode and I am currently sporting 2-3 zits. Terrific.

6. My intake of rum toddies did not help much in last month's battle against The Cold from Hell but it did pay off in that I am now capable of drinking several glasses of rum&coke without waking up with the mother of all hangovers the next morning.

7. Facebook ads were supposed to be "targeted", weren't they?  I am currently being offered mortgages, apartments on the other side of the country, a new way to remove my facial hair (mortally offended by that) and dates with "older men". Only the latter is remotely relevant. But I don't really need it - I only ever attract men who are 5-7 years older anyway.  Unfortunately, men in that age group tend to be married, or divorced, or have children - or very often all of the above, neither of which is particularly easy to work with. So I think I'll give that a miss, thankyouverymuch.

8. I'd like to go to Ireland next year. Wanna come?

9. Starbucks opened up shop in a shopping mall near me. They serve $8 pumpkin spice lattes. I have considered a restraining order on myself. Am also obsessively googling "how to make your own pumpkin spice latte".

10. This will not help my unintentional weight loss, but it will be worth it.

11. Did you notice the English list is now longer than the Danish one?

12. My birthday is 2 weeks away today. I'll be 37.  Am finding it very hard to wrap my brain around that fact. Thirty-seven. It sounds so grown up. Also, it makes me consider if I should be making one of those "40 things to do before I turn 40" lists. Which totally stresses me out, which in turn does nothing good for the teenages pimples on my neck.

13. Oh I had the weirdest pregnancy dreams last week. In one of them, I suddenly found out I had been pregnant for many, many months - but nothing was "happening". Mad stress, trying to decide if I should go see the doctor, or if I should just keep ignoring it and hope it would go away.  In the other dream, I did actually have a baby. And promptly forgot about it and went away on a weekend break. Suddenly realised I had left baby at home, rushed back in panic - and found out that -relief!- it wasn't a baby at all, it was a litter of tiny kittens.  Am sure these dreams are a sign of age-related panic, and doing my very best to ignore-ignore-ignore.

14. Fortunately I have also had other dreams, of the less disturbing kind (but unsuitable for blogging). Hee hee.

15. I should definitely end the list here, and go to bed.

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