I dag er også dagen, hvor jeg officielt fraflytter Århus. Hvor jeg efter 11 år med et otte-tusind-og-noget postnummer nu skal vænne mig til at skrible en anden afsenderadresse, hvis jeg nu skulle finde på at sende brev til nogen. Hvor befordringsfradraget bliver større. Og hvor jeg på ægte teenagervis har været inde og ændre min facebook-status til 'single'. Så bliver det ikke mere officielt, gør det?
En rask vejrudsigt for Tines liv, efteråret 2011 siger at det bliver rusk®n, men hen under Jul skulle det klare op igen. Og så tegner 2012 i øvrigt rigtig, rigtig godt (blev der sagt)!
Cloud ~ Silver lining ~ v. symbolic
@ N ~ today is the first day of Autumn (or Fall, if you will. But I prefer Autumn). In Denmark, this has been the second wettest summer on record. Another 2-3 milllimetres of rain and it would have been number one. Too bad. Please don't give it another go next year. (Who am I addressing here? weather gods?)
I like Autumn. It's especially welcome this year - we can now officially stop pretending it's summer, and embrace the chilly weather, the clear blue September sky, dig out the winter duvet and indulge in hot cups of cocoa.
1st of September 2011 is also the day I officially renounce my Aarhus residency. I no longer have an 8xxx post code, and on facebook, I am no longer 'in a relationship' (I tell you, it doesn't get more official than that).
The times they are indeed a-changin', as are most aspects of my little life. I am currently back with my parents for a while (Gott sei dank, I have awesome parents, so it's not as horrific as it may sound, although "yes, I'm 35 and live with my Mum & Dad" is perhaps not my best Unique Selling Point....).
*ae ae* Det er godt nok en kæmpe omvæltning. Jeg håber du falder godt til 'dernede' og ikke glemmer os dåser alt for meget.
Håber på at se dig snart! Pøj pøj med det hele. Kram
Oh, sweetie, you are in my thoughts. Believe me, I know far too well what major life changes like this are like (I which I weren't so experienced at it). And, even though the clouds are overshadowing all else right now, the sun will peek through at some point. It may just be a glint or two now and then...suddenly, one day, a bright shaft of light will break through (no, not the Rapture) and things won't look so gloomy.
I'm afraid all I can offer is a cliche (and lots of positive energy headed your way): take it one day at a time. When things were the gloomiest for me, I made a deal with myself. I would try to find 5 things a day that brought at least a hint of a smile to me. They don't have to be big things, but looking for them helps me focus on positive things. Like you mentioned in your blog...autumn, hot cocoa (with marshmallows!!), that type of thing.
Ok, this is turning in to a novel, but I'm going to keep commenting. I agree with you, autumn is a wonderful season. Snuggling under blankets, hot cocoa (with a little irish cream or amaretto), the sound of fall leaves crunching under your feet, the beautiful color of said leaves, making rich/hearty soups/stews and baking bread to go with them.
And I am so glad you have your mom and dad to move in with. There are times in our lives (even as adults) that we need to retreat in to the family bubble (to borrow one of your phrases). The warmth, love, security and acceptance are what we need to recharge. So, revel in it...'cause all to soon you will be an independent adult on your own again and, while that is also good, being "babied" at home rocks, too.
Oh, if you need to escape to America for a break, you are more than welcome to stay with me. I have a pseudo-guest room set up now, so you can take advantage of it any time you want. ; )
Hugs and warm thoughts are on their way to you via express delivery!
Det lyder som noget der skal overståes så man kan komme hel ud på den anden side.
Og selvom det ikke er skideskægt at flytte hjem i en alder af Victoria (som jeg også afgjort holder mest med) så overlever man også det. TALER af erfaring!!!!! JO jo!
SÅ rigtig glædelig jul til dig - er det ikke rart at vide at julen falder super tidligt i år!!
@Klidmoster: en umulighed (at glemme Kagedåser, that is. forhåbentlig ikke at ses snart)
@KongMor: Tak og i lige måde. Dejligt med den tidlige Jul :-D
@ N: I think I love you (don't let anyone know; people will talk ;-)
Genfødsler er lige så hårde, nødvendige og smertefulde som gevinsten er stor ved et bedre liv. Der er jo kun et liv, og man skal ikke spilde det. Jeg sender dig kæmpe virtuelle kram og god varm karma. Det er altid kampen værd at få det liv du ønsker dig (- sagde kvinden der ikke kunne give op)
Glæd dig over at du har flere lommepenge og rettigheder denne gang du bor hos dine forældre ;-)
knus+karma retur til non-quitter of the year!
Carporten sender virtuelle regnfrakker og fingerkys til rusk og regn og efterår. Må 2012 blive et bedre ord for allemand (og -kvinder)!
Kære Carport - vi returnerer, med de bedste ørevibrationer der kan stampes op!
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