Wednesday 13 April 2011

Signs of life

Hej *vinke*

Jeg er ikke død. Jeg har bare holdt fri. Og været på Færøerne. Det dør man ikke af; til gengæld er der en vis risiko for at blive overvægtig. Men det må vente til et senere indlæg - skal lige have sorteret 460 billeder først (en del af dem taget af en 4-årig veninde, der er både bras og genialitet imellem, kan ikke helt bestemme mig men tror måske hun har potentiale til at blive en bedre fotograf end moi)

Har også tapetseret lidt mere; vi er ikke nået til at male endnu men det bliver sandsynligvis ikke haremsfarvet (kan ikke bestemme mig for om jeg er skuffet).

Da jeg tapetserer sådan lidt efter fingermalingsmetoden ser mine hænder efter en dags hårdt slid ud, som om nogen har glemt dem under Andesbjergenes brændende sol. Men SÅ er det jo godt, at jeg i USA købte den smarte version af Helosan's kopattesalve. Se bare lige her, hvor langt man kan komme med fangsy navn og trendy emballage:

Danish product. Has looked this way forever.
Farmer needs never search long for it;
bright blue colour ensures it stands out between
all his...ehm....cow accessories.

American product. Udderly sMOOth.
Fancy packaging ensures popularity with
consumers, perhaps less so with dairy farmers
but am sure it comes in gallon sizes as well. (?)

Men alverdens smarte emballage og nette ordspil kunne ikke hjælpe på ydmygelsen ved kassedamens gennemtrængende stemmeføring, da hun sagde "Mam, I've put your udder cream in the small plastic bag on top".  Følte mig en anelse kvæg-agtig, lige der i butikken...

@N - I am not dead. Not even over-worked. I took some time off, and jetted off to the Faroe Islands because I am just that kind of jet-setting, leave-at-drop-of-hat, spur-of-the-moment kind of girl.  Or rather, I had a party invitation and also some vacation time due that had to be used before May 1st. Spent a lovely long weekend there (will blog about it later, there are some pics you will just love), and the rest of my time off I spent putting up more wallpaper*. And there's more still to go.  But that just gives us more time to consider the whole harem theme (which I somehow don't see happening, and I can't make up my mind to feel disappointed or not :-).

Anyway, I am quite a sloppy wallpaperer (yes, that is totally a word) and my hands get rather dry. Ta-daa, enter udderly sMOOth which I picked up at HyVee. We have it in Denmark, too, but the American version is a lot fancier - see photos above.

But all the fancy packaging and product naming in the world didn't help when the "friendly" (grrrr) cashier informed me in a voice that carried incredibly well ,"Mam, I've put your UDDER CREAM in the small plastic bag on top".

Mam just collected her mammarian purchases and slunk out of there...

* slow progress can only partially be explained away with lie-ins, evenings in the sister bubble and catching up with friends. Am the slowest wallpaperer (that is still a word) in the world...


Ibs said...

Yay, at blive udråbt som udder cream-køber midt i butikken, det er alles drøm!

Velkommen hjem :)

Anonymous said...

Glad you got to spend a nice weekend in the islands. And want to see pics of the wallpaper when it is done (harem theme or not).

While you were getting your udder cream, you should have gotten some "Mane & Tail" - popular shampoo over here. ;)

Anonymous said...

Børn kan noget med dogme billeder!!
Glæder mig du ikke er død!!
Velkommen tilbage fra Færøerne!