Tingene har egentlig ikke ændret sig vildt meget. Jeg er stadig den
Men hvis jeg gik i svedetempo, så risikerede jeg jo at gå glip af...
Et par boksershorts i en busk.... og ikke nok med det; dagen efter lå der en vaskeklud kun ca. 8 meter væk,
og dagen efter igen lå der en vante og både boksershorts og vaskeklud var væk!!
Ehm... en cykelsadel på en ufattelig lang stang. Måske afstødt af en falleret cirkusartist?
En fortabt lille ballon
Og et beton-lam
En spektakulært tilredt cykel (er det kunst når den er vandaliseret så meget?)
- I am slow. My mother tells me it could take me up to half an hour to cover a distance of about 150 yards when I was little. I always had to look at every stone, touch every flower, poke around with some pebbles. And I vividly remmeber how I imagined tiny elves or fairies or Borrowers living in the hedgerows (I am still not entirely convinced they're not there), so of course I had to take a closer look.
And I still move at a snail's pace - but hey, if I didn't, I might miss out on all the things you see above!! All of the pictures were taken on my way from work yesterday and today - except the top one which is from last week and it's actually really quite odd. One day, this pair of boxer shorts were just lying there, next to the sidewalk. The next day, I saw a wash cloth a couple of yards further down the street, and the day after that, a woolen glove AND both the boxer shorts and the wash cloth were gone! What's going on with that???
Mysterie du jour. Merry weekend to y'all :-)
1 comment:
Åhhh ja lånerne.. Arrietty var min helt meget længe!!
Den slags kan gøre ens verden meget mere spændende!
- og så læste jeg oppefra og ned - flotte altankasser du fik lavet dig. Skønt at det har været varmt i Danmark!
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