Jeg har også været i tæt kontakt med naturen, og det betyder at I skal billedspammes igen. Kom, ud og se på natur. Astedmessig!
Mmmmh, nogen har været så venlige
at dyrke ærter på en mark i nærheden...
Vores kirke hvor jeg er døbt og konfirmeret
(men ej gift, thi ingen vil ha' mig ;-)
Jeg er muligvis forudindtaget, men jeg
synes den er så umådelig fin!
The local village church -
the most prettiest one, in my un-biased opinion
Oak trees - a personal favourite
Gammel træstub - som et lille grantræ
har givet sig til at vokse i!
Der bor ganske bestemt nisser her...
I know for a fact that woodland gnomes
live under this stump
Rolling fields, trees, blue sky, and the church again.
I know not to stare directly at the sun,
but forgot to tell my camera
Arriving in style - this picture was taken
from my carriage, pulled by 4 white mice.
But of course....
Min mors nye kæledyr.
Stine, det var denne her jeg skulle se,
da jeg blev hidkaldt midt i vores telefonsamtale!
My mother loves all creatures, except of course
the slugs. She was delighted to see we have
a new resident in the garden :-)
I have not done the kissing test.
Just for the record.
Baby Starling peeking out of the window,
wondering where the *@&% lunch has gotten to
Lunch, aka Mummy or Daddy Starling, has arrived
Lunch served, Baby Starling asking for second
(and third) helpings
Off (on the left, a bit blurry) in search for more food for the
bottomless pit, aka Baby Starling(s)
The smallest icecream they had...
Iz please to ignore creepy, claw-like hand.
@ N ~ oh, but I do it so well, they ought to pay me for it. Do what, you ask? Holiday. I am a natural. And as you can see, I am now a lot closer to Mother Nature than I was just one week ago.
But I am not (only) being lazy. I have also helped clearing my parents' basement, I have painted two windows, and survived a trip to IKEA.
All is well. Do send more money.